The simplest thigs are the most difficult to perfect, and it took Magnus a while, but we think he nailed our base. It is simple, yet very difficult to make or replicate.
High quality English Tipo 00 flour from our local mill.
Oxfordshire water
Sartorelli's sourdough is called Sarah
Right amount of seasoning
A touch of extra virgin olive oil
Perfect temperature control
Patience and great attention to detail
pizza dough
£5.00 / kg
We stretch our pizza bases by hand - this is the only way to create a thin pizza centre and a Neapolitan crust.
We also make our own tomato sauce using the best ingredients. Once again, the secret is in the simplicity.
Quality Italian plum tomatoes
Lots of garlic
Right touch of seasoning
A dash of extra virgin olive oil
Herbs and spices
tomato sauce
£10.00 / kg
We offer four basic pizzas that can be customised with nine extra toppings.​
Our short ingredient list means we can guarantee all ingredients are always fresh and at their best. Also, there is virtually no waste at the end of the week.
But, if our calculations are correct, with our four pizza bases and nine extra toppings, it is possible to create over 200 pizzas - this is without doubling up on any extra topping. ​
Where and when possible, we supply locally.
We are also very happy to for anyone to bring their own toppings so we can add to the pizza (except pineapple that is completely forbidden here). One of our regulars brings her home-grown mushrooms.
Christian used to make ice cream with his grandmother and his childhood dream was to open his own ice-cream factory. He reckons he eats ice cream at least 6 days a week.
Selfishly, he created recipes of his three favourite flavours for Sartorelli's - Amalfi lemon, pistachio and stracciatella.
We make our own ice cream using the freshest cream and natural ingredients. Yes, we use real things such as real chocolate, real vanilla, real pistachio nuts, and real lemon. No artificial flavouring or colouring, no preservatives. All served in compostable tubs.
​We are now looking for a local dairy farm to supply high quality cream and milk for our ice-creams. If you know any, please let us know.
We sell ice creams in tubs of 250ml that are great for one adult of two children sharing. We also sell ice cream in larger volumes for parties, on demand.
ice cream
250ml tub - £4.00
Magic Dust is our playful ice cream sprinkle. Superb.
Very nutty and chocolaty, its recipe is a secret locked with seven keys. In fact, there only one person in the world who knows how to make it and according to this person the recipe will go with them to their grave. We cannot even say who it is.
It is great on ice cream or other sweet treats such as fruits, cakes, cheesecakes, and pancakes.
magic dust
250ml tub - £4.00
It is impossible to make great pizza without a wood fired oven. Our pizzas are baked at 400 C using a mixture of soft and hard wood that, combined, deliver the right amount of heat for the base, a nice flame for the topping and the authentic wood fired flavour and character.
All our beers are supplied by Church Hanbrewery, the nano-brewery where our pizzeria is located. Full of character, distinct, flavoursome, and natural, Church Hanbrewery beers are uniquely delicious.
There are always at least eight flavours on draught and a lot more in bottles.​
Church Hanbrewery brews a special beer for us called SartoHelles - Sartorelli's signature lager served straight from the fermenter in the brewey.​
It is possible to purchase beer on draught to takeaway. Bring your own vessels or get one of the beautiful bottles available in the brewery.
draught beer to takeaway
£6.50 / litre
500ml bottles - £3.95
Our wine ​is carefully selected by The Market Cellar Door, a small independent shop in Oxford.
Choice of red or white - flavours changing constantly.
draught wine to takeaway
£18.50 / litre
We also have a small selection of ciders produced by Hitchcox cidery, a small and independent company in Oxfordshire.